The clinic is situated in a less than wealthy part of town...Most of the houses have holes but no glass for windows and those that have glass also have bars on the windows. But in all of that, the people are friendly, theres always a soccer game going on in the street in the afternoon and I can usually hear groups of friends (usually girls) inside houses playing games as I walk past on the way to the clinic.
Occupational Therapy room - 4 walls, concrete, few resources (only a pencil case with colouring pencils and scissors and a ruler, an excercise book, some building blocks I found in the attached school, and a mirror).
2 comentarios:
Hi! I'm a soon-to-be OT student in New Jersey and I was linked to your site through another OT. I love your blog! I can't wait to read more about cultural differences in OT... this was a great idea.
My blog is
Please stop by if you get a chance!
Hi Josie - wow, that isn't a lot to work wth...just as well you're an OT! I would love to put the link up for your blog on the CHYPOT SIG...would that be ok with you? Oh, and my little parcel of therapy goodies is almost ready to post - hope you like it! Keep smiling :) Ellen
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